Saturday 25 June 2011

Bugs, Insects, Again

Well, our mosquitoes do not seem to give it up! I am back in the old Grandfather's Cottage with the whole family and the mosquitoes are bloodthirsty again this summer. We bought this stuff from Aomori, Japan back in 2004, and it still works very well. The label is quite funny, though I can not even understand it... Does anybody know how to get it within EU?!? Seriously, we are facing full two months of vacation and the stuff is running out!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Face Painting

The first mask is supposed to be an ape... my most sincere apologies, if the artwork (by your's truly) looks liks like a cat!

Wednesday 15 June 2011


... I got some holidays and I got time for paddling. I'm sorry folks, posting to this web site is sometimes painful: the images pile up and I have too much to do (again) in too little time. I got nominated this January as the chairman of the board of the Union of Artist Photographers, Finland, and I am therefore also a board member of the Artists' Association of Finland. My daughter also takes quite lot of my time, so occasionally, I am full of anxiety and got a strong need to go out to the sea.