Wednesday, 13 May 2009

About sea and the noblest craft...

"However, as ocean paddlers, we journey upon the sea in what is the smallest and noblest of craft. We are all at the mercy of Neptune's whim. The sea is king and the wind rules across it's surface. Listen to it's every breath, sense it's pulse and be cautious." (Jeff Allen: "Expedition Essentials", Ocean Paddler issue 14, 2009)

I'm missing the sea again... desperately... the shitty times are not over [image: 'Auntie' Alli in Hanko during the Easter holidays]

Monday, 4 May 2009

Labour Day (2)

Well, the other day when I was watching them sleep, I got this heart-breaking anxious thought that I do not want anything to happen to this small family... ever. Lumi has been practizing with a spoon for a week.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Labour Day (1)

I love the glimpses of her growing personality, whether it shows in her eyes or in her first words, or in her reactions. Never mind the porridge or snivel in her face!

It has been difficult and moods are low. It is difficult to get some help for taking care of the kid - Riitta can't carry her because of the crutches and she got direct orders to not to walk with her left foot. I am taking care of so many things, that I am occupied 16 hrs every day. Considering my lectures, these are the busiest weeks of the spring. My deepest respect goes to the single mothers, for obvious reasons!